Deborah Farquharson and Jocelyn Hirtes

Synchronized Smile, the multidisciplinary collaboration of Deborah Farquharson and Jocelyn Hirtes, is a practice founded on a shared love of Nature and its impact on the human psyche. The diversity and interconnected components of the natural environment provide inspiration for their work. Through close observation and reflection, ordinary finds like a fieldstone pile become rich and complex microcosms of experience. The artists work with varied mediums to engage the audience in sensory experiences and transport them by opening their eyes to the wonder in the world. Their thoughtfully crafted installation, "On the Curiousness of a Fieldstone Pile," encourages viewers to feed their imaginations and ignite their curiosity so that they may find the treasure of wonder & awe inside themselves.
Deborah Farquharson and Jocelyn Hirtes