carving with burn on birch, 1-6 @ 12x12 inches
available individually or in groupings -most sold
Farquharson’s life-long habit of close observation was formalized during her study of photography. She began framing the world into little studies that she could offer to others. “I aspire to transfer the energy of discovery through my process-oriented paintings, wood cuts and installations. Through the intimate act of noticing the details, one can become immersed and open to experiencing a connection to something larger than oneself.” A forensic observation of seedpods and nests results in an expansive discovery of fecundity and intricate architecture. Both subjects are pregnant with meaning.
“The variety and variability of life is a wonder of infinite complexity. There is no more curious and uncanny topic than the bio-diversity which surrounds us. The objective of the best art and science is not to strip nature of wonder but to enhance it. Knowledge and poetry are not in conflict”. - Mark Dion, Microcosmographia
carving with burn on birch, 1-6 @ 12x12 inches
available individually or in groupings -most sold